As Occupancy Fluctuates at Office Buildings, AffinEco Steps Up Best Cleaning Practices for COVID Surge and Flu Season

By Leigh Blander

The surge in COVID-19 brought on by the new Omicron variant has further delayed employees from returning to their office buildings. Many continue working from home, though some are keeping up a hybrid schedule. This winter, AffinEco is working closely with its clients to tailor the most effective cleaning protocols given the fluctuations of building occupancy levels and ongoing health and safety concerns.

In addition to COVID, AffinEco is also ready for the flu, which the CDC says is “increasing with the eastern and central parts of the country seeing the largest increase.” Flu-related hospitalizations are up and at least two pediatric deaths have been reported so far. Health experts strongly recommend flu vaccines, in addition to a COVID vaccine and booster, because one cannot protect a person from the other. From a building service perspective, cleaning and sanitization remain critical tools to prevent the spread of infections in the workplace.

“The key right now is having great communication with our clients,” said AffinEco Vice President Nolan Macario, who runs the company’s Boston office. “We have ongoing conversations with our clients about which areas need to be cleaned nightly versus periodically.”

Frank Trevisani with Spartan Chemical Co., an AffinEco supplier, agrees that communication is key.  “Tell me what you need,” Trevisani said. “We don’t need to sanitize a conference room every day if it’s only being used a couple of times a month.”

AffinEco has several ways to keep those conversations happening.

“We have developed systems with different clients and tenants so they can communicate with us which offices, conference rooms and areas need to be cleaned at night. Some use a color-coded system, some email us every day before the night team comes on.  Whichever way they choose to communicate is helpful,” Macario said.

With COVID cases climbing again – and the flu on the rise – AffinEco is stepping up its cleaning regimen. 

“Disinfecting and sanitizing have become tools for the defense against the spread of germs and in response to COVID. Both are performed in concert with regular cleaning with a hyper-focus on common areas,” he said. 

Additionally, many AffinEco clients are requesting more daytime cleaning. “We have found that many employees find comfort in seeing their common area touchpoints – doorknobs, light switches, kitchenette surfaces, restrooms – disinfected on a regular basis during the day.  They’re reassured that all areas are cleaned thoroughly at night,” Macario said, adding, “Companies are using disinfection as a tool to encourage their employees to return to work.” 

And that is important as threats from COVID-19 and the flu are on the increase.


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